Since this game mode gives you one chance to live, no respawning. Not only do you have to worry about health, oxygen, water and hunger, you will have to worry about your life. The third one, as the name tells us, is more difficult. Which is nice, since Subnautica has a lot of stuff to explore. In other words, it's a game mode for people who want to explore without having to bother with surviving. It also leaves all the items in your inventory after you die. The second game mode basically removes every mechanic that is related to surviving, such as the aforementioned hunger and thirst mechanics. The first one pits the player against the elements and forces them to think about food and water through its thirst and hunger mechanics. Has a mode for people who just want to explore Subnautica has four game modes: survival, freedom, hardcore, and creative. 10/10, one of the best games I've ever played. He might give you a pod drop with 30 wooden feet or a pack of manhunting Yorkies- they're both equally likely. Except Randy, of course- he doesn't give a fuck.

This game is fodder for that, to the point where the different AI that control the events are called "storytellers." They each have their own unique feel, their own difficulty curve. I can especially recommend this to people prone to making up their own stories in their head. There's a lot of variability, a lot of stories to be told. You don't have to be ever vigilant that something bad is going to happen either, as the game has a "pause on urgent notification" option, and turning bed rest/doctoring priorities up to 1 should keep them from accidentally killing themselves. (Besides maybe the raid.) You can micromanage all you want, but the game would be perfectly content if you loaded up youtube and watched a video while your colonists were finishing construction, or going about their daily routine. And while there's always something you could be doing, you don't necessarily need to.

There's always something to be done, to the point that when there isn't some project I should be working on, some raid to fend off or some hunting accident to be confused by it feels. ConfidentTulloun's Experience This is a truly amazing game you can very easily spend hours in and not realize it.