It is especially useful with expensive books such as the Oghma Infinium. You will now have looted the book twice, putting two of them in your inventory. Immediately close the menu, and you can click on the book itself to read and then take it. Once you see the book in front of you (it will hover in front of the shelf while the menu is open), loot the book from the shelf in the menu. If your book has not yet physically appeared on the shelf, wait at the menu screen where you can loot the bookshelf. Leave the menu, then immediately activate the bookshelf again. Activate the bookshelf, then place the desired book to be duplicated on it. This trick requires that you own a house with an alchemy lab. Thus, if you want to duplicate a different armor set, you will need to use a different mannequin. Note: Whichever armor set you first put on a mannequin will remain there you will not be able to switch it out. Go back to the room, and the armor will have been duplicated on the mannequin.

Next, take the armor off the display, then leave the room again. Place the desired armor set to be duplicated on the mannequin, then leave the room. Once the armory has been constructed, you will be able to display armor on the mannequins inside. This glitch requires that you own a new home plot in the "Hearthfire" DLC.

Leave the location of the mannequin, and go to a different area (for example, exit a house), then return to the mannequin to find the item still on the mannequin, which you can then take. Then, put the item back into your inventory. Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for best results) on a mannequin. Repeat this as many times as desired to get as much skill level gain as desired. Store the book on the shelf, then take the book back off the shelf, and select it, but do not read it.

Read the Oghma Infinium book, then select the skill set to assign the skill gain. Go to your house, and open the bookshelf. Obtain the Oghma Infinium book, but do not read it. Please let us know about any of the content that does not work below. Most of the content below will still work on the Xbox One version, but some of the exploits may have been fixed. Note: All of the content below worked on the Xbox 360 version of the game.